
F&O Module

Learn F&O fundamentals, theory, strategies and market dynamics.

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  • Last Updated Nov 30, 2023

About This Course

Futures and Options Module

This two days webinar will be a scaled down version of Module 3.0, where in traders learn Futures and options as well as Concepts of Reflags in options and Volume profile to be able to trade options in a better way.

Focus of F&O module is on managing the risk by understanding the risk & reward

Helping traders to not be dependent on tips, but to trade basis setup that they like. Live periodic webinar for revision, WhatsApp group support during market hours, so you can try and apply your learning in the live market.

Futures and Options seminar covers following highlights.

Key Learnings in F&O Seminar

  1. F&O foundation
    - Learn F&O fundamentals, theory, strategies and market dynamics.
  2. Risk Management
    - How to define risk management, including stop-loss orders, position sizing, and risk-reward ratios.
  3. Diversification
    - Spread your investments across different segments and strategies to reduce overall risk.
  4. Discipline
    - Lean how to follow your trading plan and avoid impulsive decisions. How to manage your Emotions during trading.
  5. Capital Allocation
    - How to allocate your capital for F&O trading.
  6. Buying options
    - Learn how to make good returns while buying options. Learn to read and apply Volume profile.
  7. Selling options
    - How to Sell options to make consistent returns.
  8. Research and Analysis of option chain
    - Learn to Read Red flags in F&O contracts, which keeps you ahead of the time.
  9. Stay Informed
    - Stay updated on economic indicators, earnings, and global events that can affect the markets for a specific period.
  10. Continuous Learning and Handholding
    - The F&O market is dynamic, consistently changing. Be ready to adapt and evolve your trading approach with our extensive handholding.

Who can attend?

  • Everyone who is willing to learn
  • Working professionals
  • Home makers
  • Freshers in stock market
  • Investors
  • Traders or even
  • Students

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