The Pioneer’s Story
Even after managing my own business for more than two decades, I felt a strong desire to optimize my investments and build wealth to realize my life's ambitions. The journey began with the intention of proficiently managing my investments and creating a passive income source. Rather than relying on tips to buy shares, I learned technical analysis and chart reading, which eventually transformed into a lifelong passion.
As I pursued this passion, I developed a system that helps make better profit-generating investments in different market segments. This achievement illustrates my progress from being an intraday trader to becoming a positional trader. From there, my journey continued to evolve, as I began integrating trading with equity investments to leverage the potential of different market segments.
Despite the challenging nature of this field, I have found great satisfaction in my journey so far, and I firmly believe that the path to success lies before me. During the process of refining my trading setup, the idea of launching 'Growth Module' struck me. The courses offered by Growth Module are designed to enable individuals to grasp and apply simple concepts for equity investment, without depending on stock tips or news sources. This provides an opportunity for individuals to know how the market works and also successfully participate on a predefined risk-to-reward basis.
Today, Growth Module offers well-structured seminars tailored to an individual's skill level, facilitating informed decision-making about the market and, most importantly, shortening the learning curve.